There are quite a number of investment banks in Nigeria, but which of them know their onions? Indeed the question is- which of them have a track record off being trustworthy, effective and accountable? This blog post will tell you all you need to know.
Investment is all about putting aside finances for the purpose of reaping out certain benefits in the nearest or in a long run future term. It is all about achieving profit. Putting your finances to work for a better tomorrow is all what it is about.
Investments hover around finance, real estate, security allocation as well as construction of portfolio and having to handle and manage risk on the side.
If you can remember Savannah bank more than a decade ago when it closed up, many people practically and I mean literally died just because all of their investments were gone and this is were talking about risk managements comes in but that is not the topic of the day.
The Top 15 Investment Banks in Nigeria
Today’s topic features top 15 investments bank that are located in Nigeria and these are;
The STANBIC IBTC banking forum actually gives an umbrella to a vast range of clients in Nigeria as well as in other parts of the world. They help to reach the very necessities of their clients. Focused on finance, trading as well as investment supported by risk management services. Now this bank has built quite a reputation for itself as regards globalizing its capital markets located in countries known to have possible as well as rapid growth with a developing economy to support as well as get support from. It is also known to be amongst the top ten financial investment banks to actually kick start the making of market in the Nigerian Stock exchange market sometime in 2012. - RENAISSANCE CAPITAL BANK:
this banking firm is one with headway and amongst the top investment firms operating in very high approaching markets. Known to be a highly rated bank that focuses on the investment for M and A as well as equity debt capital markets. It also involves in selling securities as a means of trade. This investment establishment has no hall way or a building to its name but instead carries out its services from the stock markets itself. It could be found around the world in top countries located in; Moscow, Lagos, Nairobi, Kiev, Almaty, Accra- Ghana amongst other locations that may not have been mentioned. - STANDERED CHATTERED INVESTMENT BANK:
this is actually a British but also a multinational investment institution with its HQ located in London. This financial institution has a total of over 1700 branches around the world with subsidiaries all around over 70 countries in total with an employment estimate set at 87, 000 individuals. Just featuring them on your CV literally shows how smart you are to have worked with this investment company at a time. - CITI BANK:
Kicked of its business in Nigeria in the year 1984 with a former alias known as International Bank Limited which changed to the present name in the year 2008 to fit into the idea of the institutions identity.HOW TO START A SPORTS BETTING BUSINESS IN NIGERIA - FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT:
FBN capital asset management is a subsidiary of First Bank of Nigeria Holdings plc and is known to have and is a strong part of the country’s financial group since 1984. They have a high privilege to carry out both public and as well as private sectors as regards transactions for the country. - UBA CAPITAL PLC:
This is wholly owned by UBA PLC with it been incorporated in 1964. UBA capital PLC is known to give to their customers quite innovative services which include a wide range of clientele involving; Agencies, Government, Corporate institutions and others. - VETIVA:
This is a Pan African financial institution which is registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Nigerian stock exchange platform. - ASSET RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMPANY (ARM):
it was established in the early 90’s specifically in 1994 and has been able to grow to be one of the highly respected investment firms in Nigeria. ARM is not a bank but a financial investment service company with an 18 years’ experience in quality managerial expertise. - CHAPEL HILL ADVISORY:
this though is a private financial investment that was established to carry out full services as regards a banking institution. The advisory partners board that was established in the year 2005 officially started carrying out operations three months after its institutionalization with its license been carried out by SEC ( Securities and Exchange Commissions. - FCMB CAPITAL:
Also officially licensed by SEC but as a house of issue and financial advisor. They have evolved into been among one of the top financial institutes over the past years with a couple of branches who happen to be masters in their own line. This investment establishment features ex workers of the FBN capital establishment as well as employees in FCMB which allows them give the quality services they render as they have professionals from home and away on board. - AFRINVEST:
with its main focus on investment banking as well as trading securities, management is assets and also research in investment, a focus is set at reaching out to the whole of West Africa. They actually do boast about having one of the best in research team players amongst others in the industry which helps them standout. - BGL:
This is subdivided into a couple branches namely; SGL Securities Limited, SGL Asset Management LTD, BGL Private Equity Limited. BGL is known to have actually brought the vision and innovation in well research insights. - MERISTEM CAPITAL:
formerly with the alias of Great Africa Securities Limited and has been in operation since the year 1994 known to be one of the leading countries conglomerate in investments. - DUNN LOREN MERRIFIEL LTD:
This is a solo investment establishment. It is a firm controlled and also registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission in Nigeria (SEC). This firm is likely to someday take over the financial market. - GREENWICH TRUST LIMITED:
This financial investment house is focused towards creating and rendering value for all of their potential and existing client base stakeholders.
Top Investment Banks in Lagos
Most of the investment banks listed above are headquartered in Lagos and are also the top investment banks in Lagos.