These random hacks may come in handy when you least expect!
1. Stop Bleeding with Lip Balm:
If while shaving you cut yourself and you are in a hurry.Putting a little lip balm on the spot can stop bleeding
2. Want Skin that Glows? Use Baby Oil:
Baby oil has the ability to make your skin sparkle and shine naturally like a baby’s- a huge turn for the ladies.
3. No Shaving Cream- try conditioner!
Do you suddenly find out that you are out of shaving cream? Grab your girl’s conditioner.Test it on a small part of your ski before going the whole monty.
4. Dry Your Hair with a Soft Shirt:
Using a towel to clean your hair may have a negative effect on your hairline line in the long run.Instead, gently clean your hair with a soft cloth.