Gbubemi Fregene, popularly known as Chef Fregz is no stranger in the Nigerian culinary eco-system, from being a well-known judge at popular cooking competitions to regularly catering at highly exclusive events he has stamped his footprints on the Nigerian culinary eco-system.
Chef Fregz obviously ventured into a field which used to be reserved for women and taken over.
1. How he started Out
He started as a “MAI Suya”. In a recent interview with a BN, he charted how he started simply as the guy who makes suya and slowly moved up the ladder to make more bespoke dinners and coping endorsement fees from top brands
2. On Growth
He once noted that he would do it all over again if he had to choose. Though it was hard from the start. In his words;
“I’ll start off by saying that growth is painful but worth it. Growing the business has been such a journey.”
3. His Advice to Upcoming Entrepreneurs
“Never do more than what you can with your given resources. Do not get greedy and want to make money quickly. It’s Quality over quantity. Pay the business first then yourself.
Always seek knowledge even beyond your scope of business.Be nice to people!”