Two things tell you a lot about a man- how he smells and the wristwatch he wears.The stylish man know to always wear classy signature scents. Scrimp on your perfumes and people quickly get turned off.

- MILLION PACO RABANNE FOR MEN: This perfume is very popular amongst discerning men and rightly so. Some people actually say it is too strong but I disagree. They are probably putting too much. 2 puffs of 1 million Pac o Rabanne does magic.It is very powerful and you will still smell on you the next day.Paco has great projection and sillage is perfect. Plus you can use it for longer so you don’t have to pray away all your money anytime you are stepping out.
- LONDON FOR MEN BURBERRY: This perfume actually truly suits the Nigerian weather. It is also rich and sophisticated. It gives a nice subtle tobacco and cinnamon scent.It is also long-lasting .What’s more, the perfume is fairly affordable (compared with other designer perfumes). This combines with the fact that the scent lasts means you won’t have to be shelling out all your money because you use a designer perfume.
- THE ONE FOR MEN DOLCE & GABBANA: This scent is perfect for the classic man. It was Dolce & Gabbana’s first move into the world of perfumes for men (they are used to producing for women) and they did not disappoint. I t smells really nicE. Its longetivity is also above average.You are sure to get compliments from both men and women when you use this.
- AVENTUS CREED FOR MEN: This is a high quality scent. Though it is a little on the high side, you can’t deny that is a holy grail perfume.
- ALEXANDRE J MANDARINE SULTANE: This perfume is a great example of what a unisex scent should be like. It was launched in 2016 and has not yet become a too popular scent so you are sure to smell uniquely.This perfume is refreshing yet voluptuous