We all want killer abs. But are we doing our work-outs right?
If you want your abs to be well defined, you need to put two things into consideration;
• body fat reduction and
• inclusion of weights in the exercise
These 12-move exercises starts with weights then transitions to bodyweight to give your body the pop that’s necessary to stimulate abs.
Also each circuit starts and finishes with a metabolic conditioning exercise that also includes an ab component to make sure your body loses fat.
- Beginner: 30 seconds each exercise, 1-2 sets
- Intermediate: 45 seconds each exercise, 3-4 sets
- Expert: 60 seconds each exercise, 4+ sets.
Depending on exercise, complete each exercise for respective amount of time. Rest 1 minute in between rounds. Completing Round 1-4 is one set.
Weighted Series, Round 1+2
1.DB Mountain Climber to Squat Jump
2. DB Squat to Rotational Chopper
3.DB Cross Climb Push-Up to Renegade Row
4. DB Suitcases to Toe Touch
5. Single Arm Floor Press
Body weight Series, Round 3+4.
6.Hip Up to Squat Jump
7.Pike Angle Tap
8.Single Leg Jack Knife to Glute Bridge
9.3D Abs
10. Shutters to Single Leg Extensions
11.Hip Up to Squat Jump
GIF CREDIT: Askmen.com
Feature Image Credit: musclesandfitness.com